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Transforming Urban Transport: Lessons from Transport for NSW's Smart City Journey

Written by Jody King | April 30, 2024

In an era where urban centres are growing at an unprecedented rate, the challenge of managing transport systems efficiently has never been more critical. Traffic planners and data analysts working within council planning and local government sectors are at the forefront of this challenge. The journey of Transport for NSW (TfNSW) towards adopting a smart city transport solution offers invaluable insights into how leveraging modern technology can revolutionise urban mobility, making it a compelling case study for councils nationwide.

Embracing Innovation in Transport Management

TfNSW, one of Australia's largest transport management agencies, recognised the need to optimise its diverse transport networks to enhance efficiency and safety. The traditional reliance on video monitoring and manual inspections proved insufficient for the scale and complexity of its transport spaces. The solution? A pioneering move towards a movement-driven Internet of Things (IoT) solution. 

This innovative approach, a move towards a movement-driven Internet of Things (IoT) solution, harnessed weather-hardened 'smart edge' computer vision systems paired with AI applications to analyse live footage from cameras across transport networks. Unlike conventional methods, this system doesn't overwhelm with excessive recordings. Instead, it focuses on exporting anonymised, actionable data streams tailored to specific use cases like cycleways and taxi ranks. The move towards this smart solution marked a significant departure from legacy transport management practices, steering TfNSW towards a data-driven, predictive transport management model.

The Power of Predictive Transport

The transition to an IoT system underscored the shift from reactive to predictive transport management. This paradigm shift allows for real-time decision-making bolstered by immediate data insights. For traffic planners and data analysts, this means the ability to anticipate and mitigate transport issues before they escalate, ensuring smoother traffic flow and enhanced safety for all road users.

The success of TfNSW in deploying this system showcases the potential for local councils to adopt similar technologies. By leveraging real-time data and AI, councils can improve the efficiency of their existing transport networks and significantly enhance the commuter experience. The predictive nature of this approach allows for more informed planning and decision-making, reducing guesswork and enabling a more adaptive transport infrastructure.

Lessons Learned and Path Forward

The journey of TfNSW provides several vital takeaways for traffic planners and data analysts in local government settings:

Innovation as a Necessity, Not an Option: The increasing complexity of urban transport systems requires a departure from traditional management methods. Embracing innovative solutions like movement-driven IoT and smart edge computing is essential for coping with the evolving demands of urban mobility.

Data-Driven Decision-Making: Smart transport relies on real-time data. By adopting systems that provide immediate insights, councils can ensure more dynamic and responsive transport management strategies.

Scalability and Adaptability: The smart city transport solution implemented by TfNSW is effective, scalable, and adaptable to various use cases. This versatility is crucial for councils looking to tailor solutions to their unique transport challenges.

Security and Privacy Considerations: As with any technology that involves data collection, ensuring the security and privacy of information is paramount. The TfNSW initiative demonstrates that it's possible to design systems that respect privacy while providing valuable insights.


The transformative journey of Transport for NSW towards smarter city transport is a beacon for councils and local governments grappling with the complexities of urban mobility. By harnessing the power of IoT, AI, and predictive analytics, traffic planners and data analysts can lead the charge towards more efficient, safe, and sustainable transport systems. The lessons learned from TfNSW's experience serve as a roadmap for those ready to embrace the future of urban transport management.

Read the full whitepaper here or contact us for a no-obligation IoT exploration session.